Alex Trebek - Canadian Legend

Hear, hear!
Why, who makes much of a miracle? As to me, I know of nothing but miracles.

- Walt Whitman, from his poem "Miracles"

Jeopardy champion Albert Thakur says he often thinks of those words, especially when he recalls his time watching "Jeopardy!" and, eventually, becoming a contestant on the show. During one of Alex Trebek's last tapings, Thakur told Trebek he had learned English while watching "Jeopardy! "as a child in India. The conversation struck a chord with millions of people, and Thakur wrote a beautiful essay for CNN describing just how important Trebek was to his childhood, and to America. He closes with these words: "Dear reader, radiate light outward today. Be the little ray of sunshine in someone's world. Have empathy. All we have is each other. What greater miracles are there?"

From CNN's "Good Stuff" newsletter 2021-01-09.