Hunt Club Forest... Dangerous NOT!

OIAA (Ottawa International Airport Authority) #YOW has recently posted several of these signs in the Hunt Club Forest. These signs are an obvious attempt to instill fear in those using the forest for recreation. The airport's goal, get public support for clearing 10 acres of mature Red Pine forest in order to lease the land for commercial use.

I'd be willing to bet there has NEVER, ever been a single incident of a visitor to the forest being injured by a falling tree. Give me a break!!!

Airport CEO, Mark Laroche, has a background as a very successful commercial property developer. His appointment wasn't just an accident. Transport Canada and the OIAA hired him to do what he does, develop! Developers develop. He wasn't hired to actively support the Government of Canada's environmental, climate change missions. He was hired to develop. So, perhaps he should be replaced with an executive who will actively support the Government of Canada's current objectives.

So, if Ottawa residents don't want a forest cleared to make way for commercial enterprises, you must speak up and speak out! Talk to your MP, talk to the Prime Minister, talk to the Ministers responsible for the environment, climate change, and the airport.

Eric Snyder
Environmental Activist