My Hunt Club Forest Notes


So, I've been thinking... what if... What if OIAA decides NOT to clear the forest, then what???

The FSmith report says the forest is not in good shape. It should have been thinned at age 35, and here it is age 60!

So, what does the airport do if it decides not to develop the land the forest is on. They have a problem. The report is public. The forest needs attention. They have to do something. They can no longer just let it be.

What are the options?
  • The City of Ottawa can't afford to buy it. Even if it was just given to the city, it will need attention. And whatever is done it will cost money. Money the City doesn't have.
  • If a sugar daddy can be found to buy the forest, what will it cost to purchase? What will it cost to rehabilitate? What will it cost to maintain on an ongoing basis.