Speaking truth to power - The Carbon Almanac

Clip source: Speaking truth to power - The Carbon Almanac

Speaking truth to power

If you are looking for a role model and hero and inspiration in today’s climate change milieu look no further than 26-year-old Ugandan climate activist Vanessa Nakate. According to this article, "(F)acing an audience packed with world leaders and finance officials in suits, Ugandan climate activist Vanessa Nakate silenced the room, then made everyone listen to some uncomfortable facts."

Repeatedly Nakate brings attention to the disparity between those in rich and poor countries when it comes to the effects of climate change - particularly when considering how little those in poor countries have actually contributed in terms of emissions. She asked for a moment of silence for "people around the world who are already suffering, starving, being displaced, jumping out of school, being forced into child marriages, losing their cultures and history, those who are already helpless, hopeless and dying due to the devastating impact of the climate crisis."

Despite the challenges, Nakate persists in her efforts and the best way to support her, and other climate activists from the global south, is to highlight their work and raise their profiles. Nakate is the author of a highly readable book - A Bigger Picture: My Fight to Bring a New African Voice to the Climate Crisis - and is active on Twitter.

Why not share her name with your friends, family and colleagues to help add another perspective to the conversation?